Back to school is in full swing! It's everywhere! I know some parents hate back to school, but I secretly love it. (Not the money side of it mind you, but the site of freshly sharpened pencils is just magical!)
It's time to start thinking about those fun activities to launch your school year. Often times, it's hard to find ways to get your math in there. Poor subject! Well, here are three ideas to get you going,
Painted Rocks!
Painted rocks are all the rage in my little community! So why not use them in the classrooms? My kids love them! It'll be a great art project and make for cute pictures, STEAM, and hands on.
First, hang numbers around the school. For example, use 118, 64, or whatever size of number that is appropriate for your grade level. After having your students decorate their rocks, hide them their rocks somewhere near a number of their choice. (Be sure you talk to other teachers to let them know what you're doing so that the rocks don't disappear.) Have them write a mathematical clue as to where they hid their rock. For example, my rock is blue, I hid it near the of 7 x 2! It doesn't have to rhyme but it is fun if it does!
Put your kiddos into groups. Next, go on a scavenger hunt to find the rocks in their groups. Finally, have the kids present their rocks in their small groups or as whole.
Only One You isn’t a math read aloud. However, it does have painted rocks and is great for growth mindset and talking about practices to be successful!!!! Love this book!
7 Ate 9
Another way to incorporate a fun math project into your beginning of the year is to read the book 7 Ate 9. This book is chock-full of math jokes that your kids will love. When I start the school year off I'm going to read in the book and pause on the first few pages. Have them write down any Math they see. After the first couple pages, I will just read the book.
When we finish, I will have ahead of time, made some posters with the math jokes written on the bottom. My students will work together to illustrate the jokes. I will even allow my GT to come up with their own jokes. Hang them in the hall and voila, a fun and funny display!
Math About Me
The final project that I really like to do with my kids is a Math About Me. I send this home on Meet the Teacher night or the first day of school. I have the kids fill it out. It has room for different numbers that apply to them, i.e. address, birthday, etc. They use these numbers to create a project about them. They bring them to school and present. I've had them present whole group (which takes quite a while) or present in small groups of 6 to 8 depending on the class-size. If you want to check out my project with the link below...
It's time to start thinking about those fun activities to launch your school year. Often times, it's hard to find ways to get your math in there. Poor subject! Well, here are three ideas to get you going,
Painted Rocks!
Painted rocks are all the rage in my little community! So why not use them in the classrooms? My kids love them! It'll be a great art project and make for cute pictures, STEAM, and hands on.
First, hang numbers around the school. For example, use 118, 64, or whatever size of number that is appropriate for your grade level. After having your students decorate their rocks, hide them their rocks somewhere near a number of their choice. (Be sure you talk to other teachers to let them know what you're doing so that the rocks don't disappear.) Have them write a mathematical clue as to where they hid their rock. For example, my rock is blue, I hid it near the of 7 x 2! It doesn't have to rhyme but it is fun if it does!
Put your kiddos into groups. Next, go on a scavenger hunt to find the rocks in their groups. Finally, have the kids present their rocks in their small groups or as whole.
Only One You isn’t a math read aloud. However, it does have painted rocks and is great for growth mindset and talking about practices to be successful!!!! Love this book!
7 Ate 9
Another way to incorporate a fun math project into your beginning of the year is to read the book 7 Ate 9. This book is chock-full of math jokes that your kids will love. When I start the school year off I'm going to read in the book and pause on the first few pages. Have them write down any Math they see. After the first couple pages, I will just read the book.
When we finish, I will have ahead of time, made some posters with the math jokes written on the bottom. My students will work together to illustrate the jokes. I will even allow my GT to come up with their own jokes. Hang them in the hall and voila, a fun and funny display!
Math About Me
The final project that I really like to do with my kids is a Math About Me. I send this home on Meet the Teacher night or the first day of school. I have the kids fill it out. It has room for different numbers that apply to them, i.e. address, birthday, etc. They use these numbers to create a project about them. They bring them to school and present. I've had them present whole group (which takes quite a while) or present in small groups of 6 to 8 depending on the class-size. If you want to check out my project with the link below...