Greetings from this side of Social Distancing! it certainly has been exciting.
If you are anything like me, your homeschooling adventure has gone something like this... -Try logging onto new technology. You decide it may or may not be a gremlin in disguise, -Scramble to find youtube videos to teach what you don't know. (New fangled teaching methods!) -Start Pre-K craft project only to discover glitter in the eye is almost as bad as pepper. -Send the kids outside to "recess" for the tenth time. -Ask yourself, "How many snacks is that?" -yELL, "the dog did not eat your homework. It is all the computer." For at least the fifteenth time. -and Learn that I am grateful for the amazing men and women that teach My little people everyday! I tell you all of this as a veteran teacher. Virtual school is NOT going to be perfect. I've taught for years and I can still tell you the struggle is real! Hang in there, you've got this! (And aren't our little people the best?!) Now here are those activities as promised!