A writing contest, you say? From Vivian Kirkfield? Perfect! Count me in! Wait! I can only use 50 Words? 50? Not 51 or 52? Alright, alright. 50 words it is. (Insert figurative flexing of muscles and cracking of knuckles.) Here goes nothing! Never Trust A Magical Teleportation Device Mischa’s magic medallion misfired again. Zap. China. Zoing. Statue of Liberty. Zing. Was that a lion? POUNCING?! Mischa screeched. Zink. “Phew! Close One! B-b-brrrr! Dang thing landed m-m-me in Snowmaggedon! What’s that magic word?” Zazoom! “Znuffleflumster!” Mischa dropped the medallion. In the sand… on the sunny beach. “Now we’re talking!!” If you like my story, please tell me about it in the comments below. Also, visit Vivian's page and check out other incredible stories by clicking here! Have a great day far away from pouncing lions and filled with warm sand. Unless you are allergic to sand, in which case, scratch the whole thing. Just have a great day!
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