Another post that isn't exactly kidlit, but it was therapeutic after a very long day! Stay strong mommy friends, we got this! Mama’s Many Hats: A Day in the Life Mama wakes with a migraine. Must have coffee, water, and medecine. Hmmm... and baked goods. Muffins make everything better... Baker Mama will create a delectable blueberry gooey goodness. With this sweet treat, she will zap this day into greatness. But alas, the great egg shortage of May 8th, 2019 has rocked the planet of O’Nealandia. No baked goods for the people. The planet mourns. But life must go on. Minutes later, Mama dutifully cleanses the planet of dirty dishes when suddenly... Attack of Spiderzilla. Panic ensues. A child screams louder than Ms. Muffet ever dared. For superhero Mama’s hair is caught in Spiderzilla’s evil clutches. First, Mama tries her banshee bellows. But the powerful shrieks do nothing to phase her foe. The end is nigh, Mama could sense it. As a last resort, she arms herself with the closest weapon. She flings Spiderzilla away with one massive heave... and SPLAT! Mama takes stock. Casualty Count: 2. One dead arachnid and a dish scrubber. One hour later, Mama has almost conquered Mt. Laundry. When a civil war erupts in the valley below. An avalanche spills as two formerly peaceful sides turn on each other. Growls erupt, a squeaky toy squeals. The giantess corgi attacks the much smaller warrior pup. Blood and tears gush. Mama knows what she must do! NASCAR has nothing on her. She flies to her rocket ship straps everyone in and blast off for planet Vet. At planet Vet, Mama seeks out the witch doctor veterinarian. His services take all of Mama’s galactic gold. But the witch doctor agrees to treat the pitiful puppy warrior. Before they depart the witch doctor assures Mama that the puppy is on the mend. Mama and her faithful sidekicks return home. Upon arrival to home planet, preparations for the afternoon siesta lead to the discovery of another shortage...diapers! Captain Mamabeard knows just where some of this hidden treasure is buried. On the sunken ship just off the island of garage... in the middle of the monsoon. But for this booty, mama will bravely face the storm. Waves crash and thunder booms as Mama becomes drenched. But inside the ship she encounters the treasure. Ah, the wet victory. Dressing the native for nap, Mama puts the little one in her hammock. She hums sweet jungle tunes. Once the wild is tamed, Mama is ready for some rest of her own. She looks for her faithful but injured puppy, Pawtson. But the hound is nowhere to be found. Whipping up her magnifying glass, Shermama Holmes hunts for clues as to the canine’s whereabouts. Is it the bedroom chewing on her shoes? No. On the couch from which it cannot jump down? No. Tipping over the trash can? No. Where was the furry fiasco err... friend. With nowhere else to look Mama ventures into the rainy gloom of the great backyard forest. There coming towards, what was that? Mud come to life? A mini muck monster? No wait. It was Pawtson! Mama, groomer extraordinaire, returns to the salon and plops the pooch into the bath. The puppy yips and shakes. With no shield Mama is drenched yet again in slime and water. After multiple scrubs, Pawtson is still dyed black. But most of the mud swirls down the nearly clogged drain. Tuckered out from its adventures (After all, it transformed from dog to muck monster and back again.) Pawtson falls asleep on the royal throne. Mama lumbers into the kitchen and dons her apron. As the resident fast food cook, she finally whips up a sandwich. Her stomach complains that it is well past the lunch hour. Mama sits. She picks up the sandwich. Opens her mouth... Wait what was that? A yellow vehicle deposits escaped monkeys into her yard... Game On. A mother’s job is never done.
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